Monday, September 3, 2012

Gallery Seven Journal - Term 3, Week 7

Alicya and Shawn were our Kowhai Express Stars this week. Alicya got her award for effort and persistence during maths and Shawn got his for working hard to use a clear and   expressive voice when reading to the class.

Last Friday, Emelia and Lucia had dance exams. Emelia did ballet and Lucia did jazz. Lucia brought along the badges she has earnt. Last year she got her bronze and this year she received her silver. Well done Ladies, we are proud of you!

This week we had a go at drawing observation pictures from a photograph and then painting them in an abstract way to show the movement and shape we could see.

Ashtyn had a go at doing a wire sculpture at home with her dad, as practice for what we are going to do in class.

Molly and Ashtyn were our artisans of the week. Molly got her award for effort, improvement and being successful in developing skills in observational drawing. Ashtyn got her for being engaged and using her initiative to progress our Reggio exploration.


Gallery Seven Journal - Term 3, week 6

Eve and Sean were our Kowhai Express Stars this week. They both got their awards for effort and enthusiasm during writing.

We also got the Kowhai shield again this week.
Mrs Hocken came in one afternoon and brought in a stethoscope and a blood pressure cuff for us to look at and try and use. We listened to our heart beat and pumped up the cuff.

We finished our dancing circle observational drawing, we worked very hard on them and we can see the improvements we have made since our first drawing.

Keira and Ruben were our artisans of the week. Keira got hers for effort and persistence in maths especially with out fraction work and Ruben got his for being engaged and persistent in our circle dancing exploration.

Gallery Seven Journal - Term 3, Week 5

We have been learning about fractions, this week we did Smarties maths, we had to work out all the different fractions of coloured smarties. It was tricky but we did get to eat smarties.
We started work on our last circle dancing observational drawing.
Ashton brought in a medal that his mum had won to show us and Shawn brought in a helicopter balloon for us to see.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Gallery Seven Journal - Term 3, Week 4

Jasmine and Shaun were our Kowhai
Express Stars this week.  Jasmine received her award for neatness and persistence in making a pentagonal prism. Shaun  received his award for effort and persistence during maths.
We won the Kowhai shield again at a assembly!
This week the Junior Journal group read a story about some children making double waka’s for presents, included in the journal were instructions on how to make one. Shawn made this one at home and brought it to school to show us, it floated well.
We have been completing small sketching studies  for our circle dance project working on the things that we identified. These are a sample of them.
Gabriella and Ashton were our artisans of the week. They both got their awards for great observation and persistence during our circle dance exploration.

Gallery Seven Journal- Term 3, week 3

Emelia and Lucia were our Kowhai Express Stars this week. They both got their awards for effort and persistence during reading.

This week we had conferences which meant we didn’t have school on Tuesday and Wednesday afternoon. We have managed to start doing some observational drawings or small studies of parts of people we need to work on before we draw our dancing circles again. We have towers in our room with our pictures on them and we are adding our studies to them as we go.

Shawn and his dad made these cool lego dinosaurs, and Shawn brought them in to show us. They are cool.  Long Live the DINOSAURS!!!!

Quinn and Kyla  were our artisans of the week. They  both got their awards for great observation and persistence in our circle dancing exploration.

Gallery Seven Journal-Term 3, Week 2

Crystal and Jewels were our Kowhai Express Stars this week. They both got there awards  for being persistent and successful in maths.

We were awesome in assembly again and got the Kowhai Shield! GO GALLERY SEVEN!!!!
This week we started work on our Reggio Exploration again. We have broken into 5 groups. Some of us have questions we still wish to answer about the human body and the rest of us are looking at aspects of the  life of the early Maori.  We have worked out some questions we want to answer and where we think we might find the answers.

On Wednesday afternoon some of Room 11 came and joined us for the afternoon. We did some circle dancing together and then drew pictures of what we think it looked like.  We have spent some time looking closely at them and have talked about how we can  improve them.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Gallery Seven Journal - Term 3, Week1

When we arrived back at school it was exciting to see that the fence around the new junior playground was gone. Everyone was very  excited and eager to  have a turn on it. Miss Bell took us out and we came up with a list of verbs for things you can do on our new playground there were heaps..

Noah and Matt were our Artisans for the week they both got awards for writing as they have been working hard and being successful.

Gallery Seven Journal -Term 2, week10

This week at Kowhai Assembly we got the shield for being the best class. Our Kowhai Express Star awards went to Ruben and Thomas.  Thomas got his for being experimental and persistent in his creation of kowhaiwhai taniwha’s, and Ruben got his for being experimental in how he takes photo’s for our Reggio documentation.

Mr Morrall came into our room to see what we had been up to, he gave us a copy of our finger prints so that we could see what patterns are on them and compare them to our own.

Mrs King brought us some Dr Seuss books for our class, we really enjoy reading them.

Crystal drew this really cool windmill on the blackboard, lots of us have been trying to draw windmills too!

Monday, June 25, 2012

Gallery Seven Journal - Term 2, Week 9

This week we explored Rangoli patterns, they are patterns from India . We saw some similarities with Kowhaiwhai patterns and somethings that made them different. We attempted to create Rangoli patterns with  crayon and chalk pastels, we are looking forward to trying to create them using coloured salt.

We  also spent time creating Jo’s , heart and lungs. Along the way we discovered things about the tongue, brain and  the skin as well.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012


Snowmen have been made

Snow falls on the green grass

Body freezes to death

Delicious warm weet-bix with toast

Heater is on to get warm in the house

People go outside and see that snow is still there

Snow is on everybody’s roof

Snuggling in the blanket watching two movies

One called Coraline and Despicable me

My favourite movies

Snow Day

Shawn - Snow Day

Snow out the window

Snowman with bug eyes in the front yard

Snowman with no arms driving a car

Snow Day!

Watching Flushed Away with Mum

Throwing snow on the fence

Eating yummy sour squirms

Snow Day!

Harriet - Snow Day


Yummy hot chocolate in bed

Skiing on a board down hill

Scary snow monster in my yard

Scrummy rice puff cakes.

Snow Day

Scrumptious blue drinks

Put ice up my Mums jacket

Beautiful pyjamas to keep warm

A very nice breakfast

Melted cheese on toast

Snow Day

Noah - Snow Day

Walking my dog down the snowy street

Snow was metres deep

Snow ball Splosh in Dads face


Snow Day

Melting sun

Then I played on the concrete

Tagging my sister, scooting around

Snow Day

Gabriella - Snow Day

Opened curtains, WOW!

Made snow angels

Fire steaming like the sun

Snow Day

Emelia - Snow Day

Snowmen everywhere

Steaming fences

Giant snowball to Dad

Snow day

Zoe - Snow Day

Car on slippery road

Cold snow falling in my backyard

Freezing toes in flowery slippers

Snow Day

Yummy milo in my tummy

Fire as hot as sun

Steaming hot pancankes

Snow Day

Ashton - Snow Day

Hot Milo

In my



Cold snow

Freezing snow

Snow Day

Kyla - Snow Day

Tobogganing in the snow paddock

Humongous Snowman in the front yard

Snowball in Hayley’s face

Snow Day

Drinking Hot chocolate at a shop

Throwing snow at Dad

Snow going Splash on the window

Snow Day!

Jewels - Snow Day

Slippery ground at my Dads

Toast with jam on top

Steaming hot coffee

Snow Day!

Matt - Snow Day

Jumping so snow comes down

Throwing snow bricks at my brother

Fire Steaming

Snow Day

Snow into the Chimney

Melting onto the fire

Putting snow on the fire

Snow Day

Dion - Snow Day

Snow Day

Snow melting in the sun

Building a snowman

Throwing snowballs

Snow Day

Ashtyn - Snow Day

Snow cracking on my driveway

Steaming Weetbix on the couch

Cold body sledding down a hill

Snow Day

Steaming snow muffins in the oven

Yummy muffins while watching movies on the couch

Making snow woman on the front lawn

Snow Day

Hot chocolate warms me up

Movie makes me sleepy on the couch

Making a hiding place in my house in the lounge

Snow Day

Fish and Chips for tea in the living room

Warm shower by myself

Snuggling in to my Dad

Snow Day! Bed time!

Molly - Snow Day

Skidding on the ice

Toes freezing to death

Yummy bacon and eggs to warm my body

Snow Day

Thick snow

Sunk to the bottom

Crunch crack bang!

Snuggle into bed

Put my electric blanket on!

Keep very warm

Snow Day

Roasting now nice and warm

Need to cool down just right!

Back to the right weather

Snow Day

No school today

Have to have a rest

Stay away from the trouble and cold

 Nice and good now

Warm as anything

Snow Day


Scrumptious hot chocolate on the couch

Watching movies all through the day

Freezing toes and fingers

Snow Day

Eve - Snow Day

Pancakes hot as fire

Fish and chips burning hot

Make chairs out of snow

Freezing cold

Snow Day!

Cold snow freezes hands

Emma and I watching movies

Hot chocolate warming me up

Snow Day

Keira - Snow Day

Snow was dripping and cracking

People say Yay!

It’s snowing

Hot Breakfast to keep me warm

Playing in the snow

Snow day

Snow falling

Trying to see the different shapes

Watching a movie on the couch

Snow Day

Ruben - Snow Day

Watching movies

Throwing snowballs at the snowman

Boiling fires

Snow Day

Punching the snowman

Wrestling the snowman

Throwing snowballs at Dad

Snow Day

Lying, jumping on my bed

Sledging down the drive

Massive Pancakes

Snow Day

Quinn - Snow Day

Cold snow freezing my hands

Jumping on cracking ice


Snow Falling on the concrete

Snow Day

Thick Snow

Setup the burning fire

Crunch the snow went under my feet

Snow lasted a long time

Awesome snow

Snow fight

Flat snow

Awesome Snow day

Hot chocolate

Warm inside

Watch movies

Couldn’t see the concrete.

Enormous snow balls.

Hard Barricade, Big Snow Fight.

Everything covered in snow

Push snow off the slide

Board games

Snow Day

Monday, June 18, 2012

Gallery Seven Journal - Week 7 & 8, Term2

Week seven turned out to be a very short week, Monday was Queens birthday and then we had a snow day. During week seven some of us started looking at the skeleton we, drew and wrote about all the things we knew and then we looked through books. Did you know that the human body has 206 bones in it. We made some of the bones in the body, named them and stuck them inside Jo’s outline.

Some people made cardboard prints using cut outs of Kowhaiwhai patterns. We put a piece of paper on top of them and then rubbed them with crayon.

On Wednesday it snowed and on Thursday it froze. This is what school looked like at 8 am on Wednesday morning! Brrrrrrr!!!!!!
We read the big book Pirate Polly. It is about Pirate Polly who sails the seas and isn’t afraid of anything. We had to create a creature that we thought  might be scarier enough to scare Pirate Polly. Kyla drew a kowhaiwhai creature and some other people thought this was a great idea and added kowhaiwhai patterns to their creatures to.

Keira and Sean were our Kowhai Express Stars this week, they both got their awards for being persistent and experimental in their creation of kowhaiwhai patterns. We behaved very well in assembly and won the Kowhai shield, Yay!

Shawn’s mum made this really cool Papier-mache Triceratops, Shawn helped his mum with some of it.

We had a go at doing ink prints using the cardboard blocks that we made last week, it took a wee while to get them right, but they do look great.

Miss Bell told us a story about Tuterakihaunoa, a kaitiaki(guardian) Taniwha that lives in Te Waihora and the Rakaia river. We used the internet to find out about Taniwha’s and then we had a go at creating our own. We tried to use Kowhaiwhai patterns to make them and the environment around them.

Quinn and Shawn were our artisans of the week. They got their awards for being persistent and experimental in their creation of Taniwha’s, utilising kowhaiwhai patterns.

Gallery Seven Journal- Week 6, Term2

This week we continued to explore kowhaiwhai patterns in art. We continued to paint, use pastels and mould clay. Some of us also had a go at weaving kowhaiwhai patterns using gutter guard and fabric off cuts. It was quite tricky but we kept trying. Some of us joined large pieces of paper together and worked as a group to create large kowhaiwhai patterns.

We also started learning a bit more about what is inside the human body. We put together the digestive system on Jo, using things from our classroom equipment. We also started finding out about the skeleton.

We went into Rata’s sensory room and got to interact with lots of material it was heaps of fun and very noisy. We jumped on bubble wrap, bashed and crashed and cracked things and played games together.

Keira and Thomas performed in a  concert at school playing their recorders. They played two songs and they did a very good job.

Quinn was chosen to join some other children from Kowhai to put some leaf prints under our railway spike.

Alicya and Sean were our artisans of the week. Sean got his for taking interesting photos to document

our Reggio Exploration time and Alicya  got her for being persistent in her attempts to weave kowhaiwhai patterns.

Noah got a special award from Ms Swanson for his efforts during reading.

Monday, May 28, 2012

Gallery Seven News - Term 2, week5

Bradley and Molly were our Kowhai Express stars this week. Bradley got his for working well with others and showing persistence  during dinosaur art time and Molly got hers for being experimental and  persistent in her exploration  of Kowhaiwhai patterns.

This week Harold giraffe and Bex visited us at school. We got to go into their big trailer and learn about the fact that we are all special. Harold sang us some funny songs and we saw a movie of him playing with his friends. We got to play with puppets and role played helping someone who was sad.

We have continued to explore kowhaiwhai patterns this week and we  been spotting them everywhere. Alicya found this picture in a dictionary, she thought they looked like korus, but they are actually part of a Rangoli pattern which are from India.

Thomas found Koru’s on his biscuit at read and feed time.
This week we added new materials to how we explored the Kowhaiwhai patterns, some of us used tablet paints which we mixed with water, this allowed us to blend and mix the colours like we were doing with the chalk pastels. Some children have created plans to make a sculpture using clay and have started work on these. On Thursday we read some Maori myths and legends, Gavin Bishop a NewZealand artist had done the illustrations. It looked like he had used, crayon and dye, the pictures were awesome so some of us are experimenting with that and using dye over the pastels.
We were on assembly with our buddy class, this week. We took our completed sculptures to the assembly, we were excited to hare them with everyone.
Emelia and Jasmine were our Artisans of the week. They both got their awards for Being experimental and resourceful in their exploration of  Kowhaiwhai patterns.
Some of their artwork on black paper is shown above.

Gallery Seven News - Term2, Week 4

This week Shaun and Kyla were our Kowhai Express Stars. Shaun was a star for being an experimental learner who is developing good self management skills and Kyla got hers for being an engaged and persistent learner in all areas of class learning.  We also won the Kowhai shield at assembly, YAY!

This week we painted our Ankylosaurus sculpture the colours we chose last week . On Tuesday afternoon Mr and Mrs Cooks came in with some

e-monitors and took some film of us painting and doing other activities in the classroom. On Friday we finished painting him except for his eyes. We think he looks cool and we are looking forward to sharing him at next weeks assembly.
We  continued to explore kowhaiwhai patterns this week. We had a go at using chalk pastels and blending them, adding black outlines and adding white over the tops of other colours. We have been enjoying  working together on one artwork  and working on an artwork over a number of days. Some of us are wanting to explore these patterns using paint and some of us are wanting to make 3D kowhai.
Crystal did some great chalk art outside the other day, she drew a picture of the Earth and then on one side she drew the moon and on the other the sun, it was very well done.
During reading this week Quinn read a book about electricity this is, is a power station that he created after reading it, it had wind turbines and he could show how the power travelled around.
Noah and Zoe were our Artisans of the week. Noah got his for developing self-management skills and be an engaged and persistent reader, and Zoe got hers for being engaged and showing persistence in all areas of learning.