Week seven turned out to be a very short week, Monday was Queens birthday and then we had a snow day. During week seven some of us started looking at the skeleton we, drew and wrote about all the things we knew and then we looked through books. Did you know that the human body has 206 bones in it. We made some of the bones in the body, named them and stuck them inside Jo’s outline.
Some people made cardboard prints using cut outs of Kowhaiwhai patterns. We put a piece of paper on top of them and then rubbed them with crayon.
On Wednesday it snowed and on Thursday it froze. This is what school looked like at 8 am on Wednesday morning! Brrrrrrr!!!!!!
We read the big book Pirate Polly. It is about Pirate Polly who sails the seas and isn’t afraid of anything. We had to create a creature that we thought might be scarier enough to scare Pirate Polly. Kyla drew a kowhaiwhai creature and some other people thought this was a great idea and added kowhaiwhai patterns to their creatures to.
Keira and Sean were our Kowhai Express Stars this week, they both got their awards for being persistent and experimental in their creation of kowhaiwhai patterns. We behaved very well in assembly and won the Kowhai shield, Yay!
Shawn’s mum made this really cool Papier-mache Triceratops, Shawn helped his mum with some of it.
We had a go at doing ink prints using the cardboard blocks that we made last week, it took a wee while to get them right, but they do look great.
Miss Bell told us a story about Tuterakihaunoa, a kaitiaki(guardian) Taniwha that lives in Te Waihora and the Rakaia river. We used the internet to find out about Taniwha’s and then we had a go at creating our own. We tried to use Kowhaiwhai patterns to make them and the environment around them.
Quinn and Shawn were our artisans of the week. They got their awards for being persistent and experimental in their creation of Taniwha’s, utilising kowhaiwhai patterns.