Monday, August 13, 2012

Gallery Seven Journal - Term 3, Week 4

Jasmine and Shaun were our Kowhai
Express Stars this week.  Jasmine received her award for neatness and persistence in making a pentagonal prism. Shaun  received his award for effort and persistence during maths.
We won the Kowhai shield again at a assembly!
This week the Junior Journal group read a story about some children making double waka’s for presents, included in the journal were instructions on how to make one. Shawn made this one at home and brought it to school to show us, it floated well.
We have been completing small sketching studies  for our circle dance project working on the things that we identified. These are a sample of them.
Gabriella and Ashton were our artisans of the week. They both got their awards for great observation and persistence during our circle dance exploration.

Gallery Seven Journal- Term 3, week 3

Emelia and Lucia were our Kowhai Express Stars this week. They both got their awards for effort and persistence during reading.

This week we had conferences which meant we didn’t have school on Tuesday and Wednesday afternoon. We have managed to start doing some observational drawings or small studies of parts of people we need to work on before we draw our dancing circles again. We have towers in our room with our pictures on them and we are adding our studies to them as we go.

Shawn and his dad made these cool lego dinosaurs, and Shawn brought them in to show us. They are cool.  Long Live the DINOSAURS!!!!

Quinn and Kyla  were our artisans of the week. They  both got their awards for great observation and persistence in our circle dancing exploration.

Gallery Seven Journal-Term 3, Week 2

Crystal and Jewels were our Kowhai Express Stars this week. They both got there awards  for being persistent and successful in maths.

We were awesome in assembly again and got the Kowhai Shield! GO GALLERY SEVEN!!!!
This week we started work on our Reggio Exploration again. We have broken into 5 groups. Some of us have questions we still wish to answer about the human body and the rest of us are looking at aspects of the  life of the early Maori.  We have worked out some questions we want to answer and where we think we might find the answers.

On Wednesday afternoon some of Room 11 came and joined us for the afternoon. We did some circle dancing together and then drew pictures of what we think it looked like.  We have spent some time looking closely at them and have talked about how we can  improve them.