Monday, February 6, 2012

Do we need rules?

Yes, we need rules...

Or people would fight

To keep our things safe and clean

So things don’t get broken

So people will listen

So people don’t get in trouble and have to go to the thinking room

Or we might go to jail

No we don't need rules...

So we can do what we want

Because we know what to do and behave

Because we know how to do what we are told

As a whole the children of Gallery Seven decided that we did need rules or guidelines in order to make Gallery Seven a great place to learn and play.
What follows are the guidelines they came up with and in the order they were presented.

We will welcome people into our room.
We will keep our room tidy.
We will help each other.
We will try our best.
We will look out for each other.
We will look after our things.

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