Monday, February 20, 2012

Gallery Seven - Term 1, Week 3, 2012

We had a busy week this week, we spent more time learning about dinosaurs and sculptures, we wrote cool stories about what kind of marvellous medicine we would make and led school assembly.

On Monday Miss Bell noticed that our tadpole has started growing very small back legs we are trying to get a photo of them but the tadpole wouldn’t come to the top of the tank.

On Monday, Brody from Room 9 came and talked to us about dinosaurs he had brought a book and a model of a T-rex to share with us it was very interesting.

We made some decisions about the big dinosaur sculpture we want to make. To make sure it stands up we are going to build a four legged dinosaur, so we have started doing some research about them, it turns out that most four legged dinosaurs were herbivores. We talked about the special features of herbivores and carnivores and went outside and measured how long and tall they grew.

On Tuesday for writing we wrote stories about the type of marvellous medicine we would make . We included what we would put in it and what it did to you if you drank it. They were very funny stories and in lots of them, some very strange things happened to Miss Bell, especially explosions.

On Friday we led School Assembly, Quinn and Keira were the main presenters on the stage. The did a really good job. Another group of children got to talk about what we have learnt so far about dinosaurs and sculpture.

Our Artisans this week were Crystal and Sean. Crystal got her award for being persistent and always giving 100% and Sean got his for being an enthusiastic and active participant in our Reggio learning.

After assembly we had an art challenge to make a dinosaur sculpture out of classroom equipment. It was fun and we found we could make all sorts of different dinosaurs, out of many different things.

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