Friday, February 3, 2012

Gallery Seven Journal - Term 1, Week 1, 2012

There are 24 children in Room 7 and our classroom is called the

On Monday we made our classroom logo by using lots of different equipment to make the letters for gallery seven.

On Tuesday we started talking about dinosaurs. Ashton brought a dinosaur to school we want to know how it moves. We also want to find out about dinosaurs so that we can make a sculpture.

During philosophy we discussed the question do we need rules in the end we decided that we needed some guideline. We decided on 6 guidelines which we have displayed in our room with all of our handprints around it.

On Thursday Shawn brought his remote control car to school and we talked more about technology and how we think remote control vehicles work.

We talked about dinosaurs and had to do some research in groups about specific dinosaurs and report back about what we had found out.

Mrs Kilgore brought us a tadpole to look after. We discovered that it is going to turn into a frog.

Ashton and Alicya are our artisans for this week . Ashton for being an enthusiastic and active participant in class learning and Alicya for being a self managing and hardworking student.

We also had buddy time with 6B4. Today we played toilet tag and read books together. We are looking forward to doing some art with them.

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