Monday, February 6, 2012

How do you make new friends?

Bradley: Easy just say hello.
Alicya: Ask if they want to be your friend.
Harriet: Play with them if you want to be friends.
Crystal: Ask them if they would be please be your friend.
Eve: Ask them if they want to play with you.
Matt: Do something nice for them.
Gabriella: Play with them if they don’t have anyone to play with.
Molly: If they say hello, say hello back and you could just go up and play with them.
Quinn: If someone is walking around looking for someone, you could just go up to them and say will you be my friend.
Ashtyn: Help them.
Keira: Ask if they want to play with you, then you get to know them. Your mums might like each other and then you could have a play date.

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