Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Pacific Ocean Rubbish

I see…
Noah: Rubbish
Alicya: Flags
Emelia: Dirt
Molly: Oil
Shawn: Containers
Thomas: Thousands and thousands of rubbish.
Ashton: I see rubbish all around the country.
Keira: It’s because they don’t have bins.
Shaun: Food.
Quinn: Cheese
Gabriella: Some buildings.
Ashtyn: I see little bits of water.
Kyla: A rotten ball.
Harriet: 9 million rubbish.
D: a banana.
Keira: cans, oil bottles, sponges and little balls.
Crystal: a line.
Emelia: a tank line.
Sean: a lake
Jasmine: pipes
Matt: Little branches.
Zoe: Newspaper
Eve: bottles
Noah: A line of trees.
Quinn: An orange line.
Thomas: Lots of rubbish.
Jasmine: It looks like New York city.

I think...
Quinn: I think it is a garbage place to put the garbage when their isn’t a place to put things in.
Thomas: they put rubbish on ships and take it to New York. It’s a garbage dump.
Ashton: It’s a big dump in the sea and the animals swim under it.
Keira: I think it is a floating island, where the people dig all of the rubbish out of the sea and put it on the island.
Jasmine: The yellow bit look like octopus arms.
Quinn: I agree with Thomas. I think they put the rubbish on a boat with a big door and park along side it, then they tip out the rubbish.
Gabriella: The yellow thing looks like a piece of bread.
Bradley: I think the rubbish could be used to make something.
Ashtyn: I think the big lines are tree stumps.
Molly: The big line has oil in it because there is a blue oil can that got tipped out.
Zoe: I agree with Bradley the paper could get put on new sticks to make new flags.
Shaun: The rubbish truck empties our wheelie bins and takes it to the dump and then goes around again.
Jasmine: The rubbish looks like a boat.
Ashtyn: I agree with Bradley they could turn the rubbish into a boat.
I asked the children if they had seen anything like it before and what do they thought it might be like to live there.
Noah: they might fall in it.
Keira: It might make you feel sick.
Thomas: smelly, there might be green stuff in the city.
Quinn: It would be cool living there. You get a boat and go and get stuff you needed to make stuff.
Ashtyn: I think it wouldn’t be nice, a prickle might go right through your foot.

At this point I explained to the class that this is rubbish floating in the pacific ocean.

I wonder...
Ashtyn: I wonder can they clean it up?
Gabriella: I wonder if people have thrown the rubbish there?
Sean: ...how did the garbage get there?
Alicya: ...how long has the rubbish been there?
Quinn: ...does it just stay there or move around?
Jasmine: … if the ocean will turn green, the fish tanks will turn green too.
Keira: I wonder if the animals get sick from eating plastic and then they would die and the animals would die and their would be no fish for people to eat.
Matt: I wonder if the people in the city put all the rubbish in it because they didn’t want it to go in the bins.
Noah: I wonder if they maybe use bots to pick up the rubbish from the bottom and put it there.
Ashtyn: I wonder if there was a tsunami and it got washed away.
Crystal: ...if there was a seal could it make its home there?
Harriet: I wonder if there are people living in the city and if they have gone away until the rubbish has gone.
Jasmine: ...if they eat the rubbish they will die.
Alicya: ...if people go under the water and save the animals.
Emelia: ...if the pipe pushes it.

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