Monday, February 27, 2012

What is inside a dinosaur?

Today before school Thomas and Alicya were looking at a dinosaur book. There was a picture in the book of a Tyrannosaurus stripped of skin and muscle revealing a skeleton and the internal organs.

Thomas: Look I can see inside the dinosaur.
Alicya: Look he has worms in him.
Thomas: We could make all the bits in the sculpture.
Alicya: It is a sculpture.

The bell rang so I said lets look at it with the class. I talked to the class about the discussion so far and this is what followed.

Miss B: What is inside the dinosaur?
Jewels: The worms aren’t actually worms, they’re the testiness.
Keira: It’s what they eat.
Alicya: Muscle and bones
Keira: the heart and all he eats.
Sean: Veins they’re the things that help your blood running.
Jewels: The food slides through the intestines to the tummy and the heart pumps the blood.
Quinn: If it doesn’t pump you can’t breathe and then you might die. We have little green ones in our wrist.
Sean: I have purple ones.
Molly: I have purple and blue ones.
Kyla: I have pink ones.
Noah: I know how he dies when a triceratops comes to get his babies the horn goes through the heart.
Sean: Only sometimes if it gets in the right place.
Jasmine: The blood it goes around the body.
Shawn: It makes you breathe
Molly: If you didn't have blood you’d be all pale and white. The red makes it darker.
Alicya: It make you stay alive.
Ashtyn: It makes your bones stronger.
Quinn: If you didn’t have blood and you cut yourself it would be white and your skin would be dry.
Noah: the blood keeps the body running and if it was all dry inside and you would just stand like a statue.
Jasmine: Bones make you move.
Emelia: The bones keep him and his heart going.
Sean: He has chemicals to keep his blood going.
Keira: He has bones on his back, if he didn’t, he’d be all floppy.
Alicya: He has a chest, it’s the thing that is beside your heart and it pumps when you’re running and you can feel it.
Noah:  He has bad chemicals. Maybe he has acid on his teeth to help kill animals.
Molly: Kidneys, I don’t know what they do.
Ashton: the worm things might lead to the bottom.
Molly: they probably wont.
Keira: I think when a dinosaur eats all the meat the dinosaur body keeps all the good stuff and gets rid of the bad stuff.
Alicya: How would it get rid of the bad stuff?
Keira: It would probably do poos and wees.
Ashtyn: Maybe the blood is protecting its bones and when it gets hit it goes into the blood but not the bones.
Matt: When the dinosaur loses the blood, his body makes more.
Ashtyn: I think we have more layers of skin than a dinosaur cause we have 7 layers and they have about 3.
Matt: It makes more blood to make it heal.
Ashtyn: I think they have harder skin than us.
Noah: T-Rex doesn’t make blood. When Triceratops got him the T-Rex’s blood goes into the Triceratops horns and it makes the horns stronger.
Shaun: When the Triceratops is running the T-Rex will get stabbed and the blood will come out and then the T-rex will pretend to move and take the blood back out of the Triceratops horns.
Ashtyn: Maybe some of the blood keeps going around instead of coming out.

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