Monday, February 27, 2012

What is inside us? cont.

Earlier in the week I had, had a discussion with the class about what they thought was inside a dinosaur. I was interested that the children named very few internal organs and had little idea as to what these organs actually did for us. I wondered if this lack of knowledge was due to the fact that we were talking about a dinosaurs body and not the human body. In order to find out whether this was the case I asked the children to draw an outline of a human and a dinosaur and asked them to draw what was inside each and label them if they could. After the children had completed their drawings myself and a teacher aide assisted with labelling and wrote explanations for the children of what they thought each organ did. This is a summary of what they thought.
Pumps blood around the body
Keeps us breathing
Pumps blood out to the body
Helps you breath
Pumps your blood around so you can keep breathing. If you run fast all time it is beating.
It helps you think of other stuff
Pumps, it helps you run around
Pumps your blood around your body to keep it running
Pumps your blood so you can breathe
It helps you get good skin
Make us move
Keeps your arms and body so they are not floppy
They are the things that make you stand up properly, you would be like oil without them.
Help you move
If you didn’t have them you would be floppy
Bones connect to bones connect to bones and twisty bones to help you move.
So we are not wobbly
Slides the food through
The food slips down it.
Makes your body move.
For blood to go through
Make you move and get stronger
Helps the food break down
Mostly does nothing
Helps you breath
Bubbling stomach so it can dissolve the food.
So you can eat
Helps us bend
Helps you stay alive
Helps you live
It is like oil for a car you need it to keep your bones going.
It comes out when you hurt yourself.
Help you breathe, cords run to your mouth and lets air into you lungs.
Makes you smart
Helps you think
It makes you have great ideas
Helps you move
Keeps things working
Helps you think of stuff.
Makes you remember things
Helps you thin and helps you spell.
Tells your body what to do

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