Monday, February 27, 2012

Fossils: How did the dinosaurs get in the rocks and how do they get them out.

While at the school library the children spent a large amount of time in the non-fiction section of the library trying to find information about dinosaurs. Alicya found a page in a book which showed a dinosaur skeleton in a wall of rock and people attempting to uncover it.

Alicya: How do they get the dinosaurs out of the wall and how did the dinosaurs get in the wall? Maybe they fell down and hit the wall and stayed there for millions of years and the dinosaurs pushed into the wall.

Alicya got the book out of the library and when we returned to class we shared it with the class and asked them what they thought might have happened.

Thomas: I think a dinosaur pushed the other dinosaur into the wall.
Molly: How did it get covered up because there weren’t any people alive.
Shawn: It might have fallen down on top of the rock and got sucked in.
Alicya: It couldn’t get out so it died.
Eve: I think the dinosaur was walking and rock fell on him and he died.
Quinn: If the volcano erupts and heaps of dust comes and frozes on the dinosaur and they have to get a huge truck to put it on to get it to the museum.
Bradley: I disagree with Shawn, the rock couldn’t suck the dinosaur in and I’ve lied on a rock and I didn’t sink in. They get them out with special tools and I’ve seen it on T.V.
Gabriella: The dinosaurs used their claws and reach in to get the rock out. They eat another dinosaur and put the bones in the hole and then the people find them.

Noah: The lava makes, the dinosaurs die and the lava goes over them and the lava turns them to rock. I saw it on Atlantis.
Keira: When the dinosaurs walked it was probably sinking sand and it turned into rocks. The people found them and got them out with special tools but I don’t know how they don’t break them.
Ashtyn: The dinosaur hunters climb the rocks with things around their tummies, they throw a hook and pull themselves up.
Emelia: Some dinosaurs eat other dinosaurs and threw them in millions of years ago.
Molly: When the other dinosaurs eats a dinosaur it leaves the bones when there is an aftershock a dinosaur takes the bones to a hole and then puts the bone in so the dirt falls on them.
Alicya: The volcano pushes the dinosaur into the rock and after millions of years it turns to stone.
Gabriella: The dinosaur pushes a dinosaur against the wall. Then it makes a big hole and puts it in while it is still alive then the rock closes and then it can’t breathe so it dies.
Crystal: they find the bones and a machine carefully digs them up, then they brush off the dust and they glue it all up because they don’t want it to fall down.

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